How to Recover Deleted Facebook Messages?

For all kind of personal communication in your circle, people prefer Facebook than any other social media website. There are many other social media websites too, but still of all internet users today, Facebook has maximum users. And not only texting but you can even earn money through this site either by grabbing a job or giving paid advertisements. A lot of groups are active on Facebook updating daily vacancies related to job and house hunting. But despite all these services, imagine you are a regular Facebook user and by mistake you end up deleting your entire conversation. It can be even worse than a nightmare losing conversation with someone who is really close. Although Facebook doesn’t provide for how to recover permanently deleted messages on Facebook messenger, but still there are other alternatives that you can use. To know more, refer to below details.

How Can You Recover Deleted Facebook Messages?

Method 1: Trying other alternatives

  1. Open Facebook messenger
  2. Before proceeding ahead, confirm that you actually deleted the conversation
  3. You can ask the person you had a that particular conversation, to send you the entire copy of chat
  4. If you want you can look for the chat in your archive texts.
  5. You can even check if you had sent the conversation to anyone by mail
  6. If yes then download it

Method 2: Data backup through mail

  1. Go to Facebook app
  2. Click on menu
  3. tap on settings
  4. Click on notifications
  5. Click on email
  6. Click on message backup

Method 3: Download conversations on your system

  1. Navigate to Facebook application on your device
  2. Click on the menu
  3. Click on general tab
  4. Tap on download your information
  5. Click on Deselect all
  6. Scroll down and now check your message box
  7. Scroll up and click on create file
  8. Open your email
  9. Wait for email from Facebook
  10. Open the downloaded email
  11. Click on download information link
  12. Enter your password and click submit
  13. And download the folder and go through conversations

For any doubt related to how to retrieve deleted messages on Facebook chat, contact on customer support.