Google Play

Procedure of retrieving the deleted files from Google Play via Google Play Toll Free Number

Google Play is a service developed and operated by Google. It works as the official App Store for the android operating systems. It allows the users to browse or download applications developed with the use of Android Software Development Kit and published through Google. It offers a number of applications which serves with music, books, magazines, movies etc. The applications downloaded through App Store are free of cost, but some of them are downloaded at some cost. If any issue comes up while using Google Play, customer care can be contacted.

How to recover deleted file from Google Play Store

While using various apps in the android phone, sometimes the app gets deleted or it was deleted intentionally. In order to answer the question, How to recover deleted file from Google Play Store,

Below listed steps need to be followed:

  • Firstly find the Google play on the list of the phone apps. If unable to find, it can be searched using the search bar of the device.
  • Then, open Google Play and click on the icon with three lines on it. The main menu of the app will pop-up.
  • To find the apps which got deleted, go to ‘My Apps and games’ option.
  • Under that option, all the applications including the deleted ones and those which are already installed can be found in the ‘All’ option.
  • In the case if application is already installed in the software, ‘Installed’ or ‘Update’ will be written.
  • The deleted tabs can be found under the ‘Library’ option.
  • The apps in the list can be searched according the sorting option. It could be either alphabetically or sorted according to the date (newest or oldest on the top).
  • Here, the required app can be found and then it can be recovered by just clicking the ‘Install’ button and installing them one by one.

By following these steps, apps can be recovered, but in case some problem still comes up, customer support of Google Play can be contacted. The technical executives of Google will help in resolving the issues and queries. The contact details are provided on the official website of Google.

How to fix Google Play Store not working issue?

It could be that all of a sudden your Google Play may have stopped to work on a sudden basis and you may be turning out of your minds because of these kind of things. You may be trying to look for an immediate solution for the issue but may be unaware about the desire procedure to do the same. Such kind of issues can easily be fixed who are from the technical domain and for handling such kind of issues there could be no better than immensely qualified and certified technicians who are available all through the day and all through the year. They have trained themselves to be technically fit and have now become the masters of the domain. Thus they can resolve any level of complexity within a very short span of time. The other way through which such kind of issues can be delicately handled is by following a set of manual procedure details for which can be obtained by moving down the tutorial. This is only meant for those people who are technically fit and have gained the ability to fix such kind of issue by the self-procedure.

Different ways to fix Google Play Store not working issue

Check if there are any updates

In order to utilize or maximize the services of Google Play it is necessary that users are always updating their Google Play services at regular intervals. Users simply need to do is visit the settings section of the screen and then check for updates from there and in case any sort of that is available then users should update the same on an immediate basis.

Check if you have a sound internet connection

The next thing which users will need to keep in their mind is that they have a sound internet connection or they are connected to the internet. In case not then that is the concern for the issue and users need to get connected to the same on an immediate basis in order to enjoy uninterrupted services.

Check if there are some sort of discrepancies

It could be that there could be some sort of discrepancies in settings of your Google Play store as a result of which you may be facing such kind of issue. Users can simply visit the settings section of the screen and check if things are working for the users.

Advice from Google Play Toll Free Number

If none of the things are working for the users or in case the level of complexity of the issue is very high then users can seek immediate advice from Google Play Toll Free Number which is being offered from the immensely qualified technicians and that too all through the day and all through the year. They have different modes of assistance details of which is mentioned in the next section of the tutorial through which they can fix the issue.

How to contact Google Play customer service number?

There are different modes of assistance through which the users issues can be resolved after they have taken assistance from Google Play customer service number through which there issues can be resolved. The modes of assistance are none other than remote, onsite, and live chatting and mail support and is dependent upon the location and availability of the technicians at that particular point of time.