
Contact to Fastmail Technical Support Number for instant Service

Fastmail is a unique web based email service which is not a free of cost service, i.e fastmail gives a free trial of one month and after that the user need to pay a certain amount to avail its service. The cost would depend upon the type of paid account you are opting,since fastmail provides the email service for personal user as well as for organisation use.So it depends upon the person, for which service he wants to go. If you are facing issues in your Fastmail Account? There are high profile technicians who are very fast in tackling your all glitches so don’t waste your time and dial Fastmail tech support phone number.

How to sign up in Fastmail?

If you want to make a Fastmail account, then just follow these steps, by which you can signup or register into Fastmail and you create a account here.

So first of all to avail this service we need to sign up for fastmail, and for that we need to follow some simple steps:-

Step 1:- First of all we need to browse the official site of fastmail, then a screen would appear consisting of two options that is one option will say login and other will say signup

Step 2:- signup option is meant for new users, simply click on the signup icon

Step 3:- it would take us to a new page where we need to fill the required details like the name of the user .

Step 4:- after that we need to fill our email ID and we also need to opt for a strong password.

Step 5:- then we need to retype our password, and then we have to verify us for not being a robot

Step 6:- after that we need to click the sign up button, and can start our free trial.

After we are done with the signing up process, we need to maintain our account. And for maintaining and getting started with the service we need to first know the features of fastmail web service.

How do i recover my Fasmail account?

Fastmail is also same as the other mailing platform which is being used for sendiing and receiving mail. But the only difference is that it provides this mailing facility only on the paid services. This service has been offered by the Fastmail company that too in 36 languages from all over the world. With its main headquarter at Melbourne, which is in Australia.

Procedure to recover your fastmail account ?

Below are the most easiest and quick steps to follow for the recovery of the hotmail account:

Step1:- First of all open up your computer system device.

Step2:- Now when open, then just click on any of the saved search enginee in your respective device.

Step3:- In the search bar enter ‘’ and then mak eit search in your device.

Step4:- There a fastmail login page will open i front of your screen, on the bottom of the page click on the ‘Can’t access your account’ link present over there.

Step5:- As you will click on that link, it will diaplay you a list of link but you need to choose this particular link ‘I forgot my password’ and then move to next option.

Step6:- Now click on the ‘Reset your password’ link after that option.

Step7:- There provide your fastmail user ID and provided captcha in the box.

Step8:- Now after this it will prompt you to answer some of the questionaire series to get login to your account one again, which you must have provided while creating the fastmail account.

Step9:- Now suppose if you don’t remember any of the question then just click on the option as ‘I don’t know any of these options’ and proceed to next.

Step10:- Now to recover your fastmail account it will ask you to ‘Recover your fastmail account’ by entering the alternate email ID.

Step11:- After that you will be redirected to a new window where you need to enter the full required detail of your fastmail account.

Step12:- From now onwards, one can manage there respcetive account details.

Now suppose if there is any question in your mind then one can directly reach to the support facility or even make a call at Fastmail helpline numberThis support facility has been provided by the fastmail company only in support of there regular users. This facility by the fastmail is available 24/7 hours in a day. Which means if any one want any knid of support from them then they can call you at any time and from any where, whether it is from work place or whether it is from your home place.   

How to Change or Recover Password on Fastmail?

If you want to change or recover Fastmail's password then just follow these steps, If you follow the steps as mentioned. Surely you will able to change it.

For doing so we just need to follow some simle steps:

Step 1:- First of all we need to visit the web page of our fastmail account.

Step 2:- Then we need to click on the my account icon, from there we need to go to email profile page.

Step 3:- Then we need to click on the link row where we have an option to edit our password, here we need to get a secured and strong password.The type of password we should use is always recommended by fastmail itself.

Step 4:- There we need to fill certain information.

Step 5:- After doing so the password for our account would change.

Now if a person forgets the password and he wants to recover it then, he needs to follow certain steps which are same as the step followed in resetting the password. Here we just need to initially attach an account with the existing acccount so that a link can be forwarded to that mail for resetting or recovering a password. So this is the simle process to recover the password in case a person forgets the password. If still having issue in recovering the password then contact to Fastmail password recovery phone number.

Get FastMail SMTP Settings

In the event that you need to send a Mail, you should configure the SMTP in your Email Server. For each Webmail, the settings are extraordinary. On the off chance that you are a FastMail user and need an SMTP setting, at that point you are at opportune place. Here you will get the point by point technique to configure the SMTP in the Email Server.

FastMail underpins both the conventions i.e. IMAP and POP. Be that as it may, it is prescribed to pick IMAP. Now open the Email server Setting and under the same, enter the information listed beneath.

  • Under the Server Name, enter

  • From that point, you will see the Port Number, enter the number 465.

  • In the Security segment, empower the SSL and try not to empower the Secure Password Authentication.

  • Now fill the username and password of FastMail.

  • In the wake of filling every one of the subtle elements click Save and Exit.

Henceforth, FastMail SMTP setting is effectively designed with your Email Server. On the off chance that at any stage, you stalled out, at that point contact FastMail Technical Support for the help. The nerds give the best and propelled way to deal with disposing of any issues. They work all day and all night, so you can get in touch with them whenever. Hence, be in contact with them and enjoy the highlights of FastMail.

Get assisted from smart and best Fastmail customer support team

For any kind of technical issues related to Fastmail there is an experienced team, who tackle the troubleshooting problems in Fastmail like if your account is not opening, not working, not receiving any emails from sender, all emails tagged as spam, password forget, password hack issues then that aspact you can consider Fastmail customer support team your technical guide . They have enough knowledge to sort out all the issues which you have with your email. Any other problem regarding the functioning of the fastmail then we can certainly seek the help of the technical person from the customer service of the fastmail known as Fastmail technical supportThese services are very easy to avail and quick in response!!