How to Port Number to Google Voice?

Google allows users to port their old number to Google voice and get various benefits. If you are wondering what does porting number to Google voice mean then, we will tell you.


What does porting number to Google voice mean?

Users can assign their existing phone number to Google and then use Google Voice to manage all of their incoming calls. Users will also get unlimited texting and calling for free. However to port your number a fee of $20 will apply. If you want to know how to port your umber then the steps are given below.


Some important things about porting number to Google voice are:

  • Users cannot port their mobile number to a Google Voice account which is managed by their work or school.
  • All mobile numbers cannot be ported to Google Voice.
  • Users should not cancel their phone plan until they are notified that the port is complete.
  • Users will get a code through call to verify the port.
  • If users have multiple numbers on account then they need to check with their service provider to find out about their policies.
  • User’s account number and PIN will be required to complete the port request.


Steps to port number to Google Voice

  • Open Google Voice on your computer.
  • In case you have not used Google Voice hen you will have to set up voice.
  • Now pick a new number.
  • This number will be replaced by your ported number.
  • Now from the top left side select Menu option.
  • Then select Legacy Google Voice option.
  • Then select Settings from top right corner.
  • Click on "Phones" icon.
  • Your current number will display there.
  • Beside it the option of ‘Change / Port’ will be given. Select it.
  • Then choose ‘I want to use my mobile number’.
  • Follow further on-screen instructions.
  • Set your new number.
  • Make the required payments.
  • It will take 48 to 96 hours for the port to complete. Once done, you will be notified.


This is how you can port your number. You can follow the sane process to port landline number to google voice. In case you face any issue while porting or need any information then you can contact the customer support of Google.