Get important information associated to Windows!

Microsoft Windows is used as an operating system  in  computer device,mobile phone,smart phone,Tablet and so on .It is designed by Microsoft which contains families of operating system that is used to spread the computing industry such as Windows NT and embedded.There is a family of Windows defunct which includes Windows 9X ,Mobile and windows phone.

If we talk about Windows 10 then this is the version of Microsoft operating system that follows windows 8 and windows 7.It is the advanced version of Windows 8.Microsoft launched Windows 10 to enhance the functionality of windows 8.

Some common features of Windows 10 are as follows:

  • It uses start menu which is familiar to user.

  • You can access Metro Interface from a panel to the right of the start menu.

  • Windows 10 offer touch screen and keyboard interface.

  • It can runs on desktop ,Laptop,smartphones and so on.

  • Windows 10 allows the users to search integrated.

  • It uses Virtual desktop to enable the creation of desktop environment.

  • Windows is used to allow the administrator to manage all the secure applications.

If we compare about Windows 10 ,windows 7 or windows 8 then windows 10  gives the best feature to user as Microsoft improve the problems which has been found in Windows 8 or windows7.

Some common problems which are identified by Microsoft Are discussed below:

  • It has been replaced to radical  new user Interface to Graphical user Interface that enables touch screen and gestures improvement.

  • Microsoft windows 10 improves the security features such as it uses multi factor authentication schemes to prevent data from unauthorized users.

Although Windows is easy to use but it does not mean it is free from error.There may be chance when you use  Microsoft Windows Operating system then you may some technical issue.For resolving these technical issue you may contact to Windows technical support 1-855-925-7079.They will provide you best guidance to get rid of any query.