So, you are a Gmail user and still do not know about some basic features this mail provides to its users ?? Well, most of the users just use this emailing platform only for sending their email messages to their professional and personal contacts and that’s it !! They do not know nothing much about a few features they can use for their benefit. So, what’s the fuss ? let’s know about these features What Is Gmail Technical Support Phone Number
Filters- As they sound, filters are used for managing your email in the best possible way. These are the best things to sort out your inbox in your own way.
Keyboard Shortcuts- Everybody should be aware of Gmail keyboard shortcuts as they let the users to perform their frequently used jobs in a hassle-free manner.
Priority Inbox Feature- As a Gmail user, you receive lots of messages in your email on a daily basis. But the noteworthy point here is that all these emails are not important for you. So, what can be done in this regard? Well, you can set an important label to a message so that you can priorties it according to your will. Moreover you can also place a star on a message to give a priority to this particular message.
Having explained about the few features of this emailing program wouldn’t it be right to know about the steps used for creating a Gmail account.
Well, these steps are apposite for the layman and they go as follows:
Now click on create an account
Type your first as well as last name under the head “name”
Now type your username in the field Choose your Username
Next you need to enter a password in the field create a password & confirm your password
Now type your birth date under the head Birthday
Select your gender
Next you need to fill in your mobile number
Now you are required to type your current email address
Next you need to type the displayed captcha code
Choose your country under the field Location
Now go through Google’s terms
Ensure to check I agree to Google Terms of Service and Privacy Policy
Now click on Next step
Again click the option Next Step
Finally click on continue to Gmail.
Done with Gmail account creation process, if you have any query then ask it from Gmail support team!
Recovering your Gmail account is undoubtedly your first priority if you have accidentally deleted your account. In such scenarios, a user urgently need to recover his account as his essential information is stored right there in his Gmail account.
Whatever be the reason, here are the simple steps to recover your account:
Visit Google Password Assistance webpage
Click on the option “I’m having other problems signing in”
Enter your email address
Now you need to enter your last password
Click on the option Continue
Now click on the option named “Submit a recovery request”
Next click Continue
Now you will be informed on the next page about your deleted account and also there is a link for the account recovery
Now you need to click on this link
Next complete your verification process
After that you need to check your email to see if any link from Google has been received by you
Now, after locating it in your email, click on the attachement
Now after clicking that link you can easily create a new password for your account
and that’s it ! You are done with recovering your deleted Gmail account and use it like eariler.
Gmail issues are just endless and everytime they crop in an email account, the user’s work is affected in a great manner.Classification of Gmail related troubles can be described below:-
Log in issues
Password assciated troubles
Missing email errors
Spam mail complaints
Email configuration glitches
Other basic Gmail issues
The unprecedented Gmail issues can disturb the peace of mind of Gmail users as the consequences of an issue is quite traumatic. Suppose your account is hacked-which is indeed a big problem for you- then you will end up being distressed over your information secured in your account and might want to rectify your glitches at once. So what should be done in order to fix these woes. Well, no worries at all !!
You can contact our Gmail toll free number staff that is involved in employing the perfect methodologies to address your issues effectively. Our team of adroit engineers have the latest technical knowhowwhich will be highly beneficial for taking the correct measures to fix any problem. These Gmail technical support representatives have access to several modes which can be utilized for the quicker solutions of a wide variety of issues pertaining to a Gmail account. Hence if you find yourself under the clutches of any Gmail associated technical hurdle, then it would be highly feasible to avail our speedy online Gmail customer service by calling our 1-855-925-7079 helpline number .