Technological revolution has always added much to our life like broadening our knowledge base as well as providing comfort and luxury to our life. The role of various technological devices in our life cannot be ignored, one such device is printer.
Printer play a crucial role in our regions whether offices, homes, educational as well as major government institution. It has radically transformed our lives and act as great medium of communication between our both world i.e. digital and physical world.
It still forms the backbone of communication between the different department of office spaces. One such big name in printer business is '' Samsung Printer ''.
Samsung is one of the most popular printer in the world. It is the subsidiary of leading technological giants '' Samsung ''. It is known for its sheer quality of its hardware as well as longevity of the product. It's offer two kinds of product to suite the needs of the customer which is Wire enabled printer as well as wireless Printer.
But sometimes user do faces certain issue like connecting printer to wireless router or samsung printer is printing black. In that case,one can take help of Samsung printer technical support by contacting them to solve the how to Connect Samsung Printer and Router.
Here are some common procedures one to follow in order to connect their wireless printer:
First of all select whether your router is in which network whether Adhoc mode or infrastructure mode.
To connect with wireless printer to one's router . One need the following information I.e, Network number ( SSID) or security type ( encryption ) as well as password ( network key ). Make sure you have all these information.
One can set the wireless settings either from machine or the computer.
One's machine and access point support Wifi supported setup.
Make sure your machine support wifi protected setup.
There are two methods two connect with PBC or Pin. PBC allow user to connect machine with wireless network by pressing both the WPC button of the control panel and WPC button on wifi protected setup.
In PBC mode, select Menu and then go to Network and further wireless as well as WPS setting and PBC.
Press and hold the WPC button on the access point.
The following information will appear on your screen.
Connecting : The machine is connecting to the device .
Connected : The machine is connected to your device.
AP SSID : After completing the wireless network connection process, the AP's SSID information apper on the display.
Insert the supplied software CD into your CD-ROM drive and follow the instruction in the window to set up the wireless network.;
And in case if the printer is not printing black then one need to follow these solution to know Why Samsung Printer Is not print Black .
First of all check, whether printing toner is not empty.
Or, one need to confirm whether the “ graphic settings in the “ Printing preferences '' .
select the black optimization in the list in order to fix the issue.
But In case if you have a problem regarding resolving an issue with one's order.
one can contact their Samsung Printer Technical Support representatives. Their customer service team is supported by an trained expert individual which having many years of technical experience in remote technical assistance to the user over a wide range of problems 1-855-925-7079.