iPhone is a device which is launched by Apple.It provides fantastic features to its user that's why it has been got popularity in a very short period of time.You may use iPhone with your iTunes and personal computer.
When you want to use iTunes on your iPhone then sometime it does not connect to itunes.You need to fix this issue.
Here are the some steps given below,you need a look on the given below steps:
You need to retry accessing the iTunes store.This issue may be fix after retrying te transaction.
You need to check the apple server.Although the data center of Apple is apple but still is is not perfect ,sometimes the server may go down due to any technical issues.So you need to check the system status of every apple services.For this,you need to go to the Apple system web page.
You will have to check the ISP.You may see the error”Can not connect to the iTunes store” error is a problem with your Internet connection.If you are getting any issue with your ISP then you may contact to third party internet service provider such as Netflix,Youtube or sky news.If you are unable to connect with Internet then you need to take help from Internet service provider.
You will have to check iPhone.If you are connecting to iTunes store then there may be an issue in your device.You will have to check the date and time setting on your devi ce.So that,you can sync with iTunes store.For this ,go to the general settings then select the date and time and verify the settings.You may also toggle set automatically off and on.
You will have to update iOS ad reset the network settings.
If you connect the iPhone to windows PC then sometime you may face some technical error with it.To get rid of these error you are required to follow all the given below steps.
These steps will be more helpful to rectify your issue:
First of all,you need to disconnect your device from the computer.
Then you are required to reconnect your device.If any app is open in your phone then you need to close all the app.
To open the Run command ,You will have to press the windows and R key on your keyboard .
After that click on the OK option.
Then you will have to right click on the usbaap164.inf file then click on the install option.
You will have to install those files which ends in .inf.
If you are unable to install the files then click on the view option then you will have to click on the details to find the correct file.
Then you need to disconnect your device from your computer and restart your device.
You will have to reconnect your device then open the iPhone.
If you face any issue while connecting iPhone to iTunes ad p then you do not need to be more panic, just need to take help from iPhone technical support number. You will get major help from iPhone technician expert.They will guide you for providing best solution to its user.They will provide you remote support to its user.They will be more happy to assist you.