How to access Printer via Mobile?

To print a job in Printer via Computer is well known for most of the population. But, those days are gone and a large portion of the user’s needs a viable method to print and the most advantageous way is the Mobile. If you have a Printer and a Mobile, then you can take the print of any document and for the same, you have to perform few errands.

 iPhone has an inbuilt application which underpins the Printing work, i.e. AirPrint. But it supports just HP Printers and on the off chance if you have a Dell Printer, then you can't go for the AirPrint. Here, you need to install the Dell Document Hub application from the Store. This is pertinent for the Android users as well. This application is free of cost and accessible on Apple Store and Google Play Store.

Print from Mobile | Dell Printer

  • Ensure your mobile and Printer is associated with a similar Network.

  • After installing the Dell Document Hub, launch the same.

  • Here, you will discover the alternatives, for example, Print File, Print Web Page, Scan and Web Monitor.

  • Tap on Print File and select the archive which you need to take the Print.

  • After selecting the document, tap on Print.

  • Consequently, you have effectively done the Print undertaking from the Mobile gadget. On the off chance, if you need to take the print of the web page, then select Print Web Page and thereafter, rehash the procedure.

 However, if unable to associate the Printer to Mobile, then contact Dell Printer Technical Support for the help. The nerds will offer the quick solution to fix the issue. Their help and arrangement will settle any issues of the Dell Printer.